I like watch f1 and i always watch it news and the news say'Lewis Hamilton says he needs a run of victories to recover lost ground in the championship following retirement in Canada.'

I hope he can be better at next race.

AH015209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

i watch a news about weather and it say' images are emerging from the violent storms that swept across western Germany, leaving a trail of destruction and several dead.'

i think the weather is already change it.

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i saw a very scarded  news  two alleged stabbings by children in the US have been linked to the fantasy horror character Slender Man. Justin Parkinson finds out who is he.

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The world cup will coming at next week, we can see all the country are already prepare to supprt there country, hope the world cup can have a lot of  good game.

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Today i watch a news and the news say " More than 150,000 people are forced to flee Iraq's second city Mosul after Islamist militants effectively take control of it and several other towns"

i hope at the Iraq can be more peace in the earth.

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Yesterday  i made the dinner by myself, i cooked a lot of delicious foods, hope next time i can cook the dinner to my family .

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i went to the ball park yesterday, i saw my favorite player in the game .

Finally they won the game , we had  a lot of fun in the ball park.

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today i and my friend go to the nightmarket , that nightmarket is very famous ,

we buy a a lot  of food in the nightmarket and we have a lot of fun.

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Yesterday, its a rainday , and i get all wet because i didnt bring the umbralla. i will bring it next time.

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today is sunny day in Tamsui, so after  I finish the class , I go to the Tamsui old street to eat some delicious food ,  after I eat it, I go to the riverside and see the sunset , it's a wonderful day ever,

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